
Showing posts from May, 2019

Drank Too Much Coffee? How to Calm Down

It can be all too easy to drink coffee really fast and in large quantities when you have a case of the Mondays. If you have the signs of a caffeine overdose, you should seek medical help as soon as possible. Those symptoms include difficulty breathing, confusion, vomiting, a fast or irregular heartbeat, or even convulsions. But if you’re just jittering and wondering if the coffee subscription was worth it, there are some ways to get your body to calm down as your caffeine levels drop. Drink Water It can take up to 9.5 hours for the caffeine levels in your bloodstream to come down by half. Flushing your system with water can help quicken that process. Water can decrease the effects of caffeine in a relatively short period of time. Further, getting hydrated can only help since many of the worst symptoms of too much coffee are the same as dehydration. Whether water specifically helps you get through the over-caffeination or not, being dehydrated will certainly make things worse...